jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Dieta del Mediterráneo y Fragilidad

Mediterranean diet and frailty risk

Does sticking to a Mediterranean diet mean lower risk of frailty in older adults? Over 1,800 60-plus-year-olds in Spain were studied. Those with the highest percentage of adherence to a Mediterranean diet showed a lower risk of frailty than those in the lowest percentage of adherence. Consumption of fish and fruit also reduced risk of frailty, but the global dietary pattern of the Mediterranean diet was a stronger predictor than that of a single food. (Free abstract only.)  Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (12/2014).

Cometario: esto no es más que otra evidencia de lo importante de la Dieta del Mediterráneo y para complementar esta publicación les recomiendo leer un artículo publicado en este mismo blog  el 2 de Noviembre del 2009 llamado LA DIETA DEL MEDITERRÁNEO Y LA PIRÁMIDE NUTRICIONAL LATINOAMERICANA.

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